Federation’s unwavering commitment to Ukraine has been nothing short of remarkable.

From the moment the war broke out, Federation was committed to alleviating the suffering of refugees amid this harrowing crisis. Through tireless fundraising efforts, our local Federation raised over $1,000,000, providing vital support to those displaced by the conflict. The national Federation system raised over $91 million. 

We continue to send financial aid to support Ukrainian refugees as needs emerge, demonstrating our commitment to making a lasting impact. 

Federation’s work in Ukraine is not an isolated incident but rather a testament to its broader commitment to humanitarian relief worldwide. As crises emerge, Federation consistently steps up, offering financial resources and capitalizing on vital partnerships with critical agencies like the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) and the Jewish Agency.

Federation’s efforts in Ukraine serve as a powerful reminder of the positive change that can be achieved when compassion meets action.

Working with our partners, ensures your dollars have an immediate impact.

Our partners are on the ground in Ukraine and worldwide – not just during a crisis but before a crisis even begins. Having this established infrastructure allows us to respond quickly, effectively, and efficiently.


Through the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), your gift to Federation has been funding initiatives in Ukraine including: providing aid for seniors, mental health assistance including hotline support for immigrants, basic housing and provisions for refugees, winter survival kits, the establishment of trauma centers.

Your gift to Federation was part of the $91 million raised by Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA). A donation was distributed to partner agencies on the ground in Poland and Ukraine helping refugees. The money went to humanitarian support, temporary housing, helping refugees make Aliyah, and Emergency operations.

Your gift to Federation was part of an allocation to NATAN. NATAN is guiding and supporting the governments of Lviv and Yavoriv Raion in the establishment of Community Resilience Centers. These Community Resilience Centers, modeled on those in Israeli conflict zones, aim to provide crucial medical and psychosocial support to survivors of the ongoing war in Ukraine. NATAN will guide the leadership in the organization of these centers; and will provide training to the professionals operating out of these centers.

Your gift to Federation provided support for refugees who resettled in Nahariya, Israel.  The allocation funded food vouchers and mental health support for children. Over 1,000 refugees came to Nahariya from Ukraine.

Your gift to Federation assisted in sending Nahariyan and Ukrainian athletes to participate in Maccabi Games held in Israel. 

In partnership with Jewish Agency, your gift helped fund summer camps in Israel for Ukrainian refugees.


Amy Glazer
Chief Advancement Officer

Kim Schwartzman
Campaign Director