The Mysterious Attraction of Rare Books featuring Rabbi Clifford B. Mille
Rabbi Clifford B. Miller will share how cataloging books that survived the 1966 Seminary Library
fire is in some ways like solving crossword puzzles. What defines whether a book is Rare? Is it not
boring to catalog rabbinic literature? Through a series of stories, he intends to bring the
audience through the process of discovering the title, author, date, place, and subject matter
of books or fragments of books that reveal little about themselves. To learn more about Rabbi
Miller, visit https://templebethtikvahnj.org/ducation/rabbi-dresner-lecture/the-dresner-centerpresents/.
Light refreshments will be served.
This event is free and open to the public.
RSVP to: https://bit.ly/dresneroct17 (Live Stream link available through registration.)