In 2022, Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey launched The Conversation – a comprehensive research project designed to better understand the community’s needs and aspirations, strengths and challenges, experiences and perspectives.  Over 3,100 people completed the community survey. An additional 70 people participated in focus groups and interviews. All of this work was done through partnerships with communal agencies, synagogues, and day schools. It was guided by a taskforce of volunteer leaders and an advisory council of organizational professionals. The Conversation was commissioned by Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey, with support from The Russell Berrie Foundation, and conducted by Rosov Consulting. 

We thank our northern New Jersey Jewish community for coming together and joining The Conversation. Without the support of our community, we could not have completed such an important research project. You can read the full report to see the key insights and research findings. Together we will use this information to strengthen our Jewish future.

please reach out if you have any questions

Karen Klieger Sponder
Director, Community Strategic Initiative